Karen's Blog

Karen's Blog While Away in India

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I have been here for a week and a half now! I'm starting to become really comfortable in the city of Bangalore and at school (Christ University). Today was the second day of classes and they went really well. Yoga is a blast! The Guru (teacher) is great and it feels so good to stretch and just forget about the world around me for a few hours. I even fell asleep today when we were in the "dead man's" position (which is when you are just lying on the floor and concentrating on relaxing all your muscles). It's really neat to say that I am taking traditional yoga in India! The class is really similar to the yoga class I took at Chico State, therefore the instructor at Chico State knows what he's doing! After Yoga, me and a few girls went to find lunch... we ended up at a little stand by the basketball court on campus. This place was great!! We had biscuits that you dip in a type of curry (everything we eat here is some type of bread that you dip in some kind of curry), I think it was called Pav Banjiv or something. Then I got a fruit smoothie.. mm good! The fruit here is very delicious. I'm so happy that I finally enjoy eating the food, regardless of the digestive problems :/ The spices here are hard to get used to.

Today we met a bunch of guys from Arkansas. They are part of the same program as we are, and they live at our apartment complex. It's nice to have more people around that we can talk to without an accent barrier.

This week we are planning our trip to see the Taj Mahal! Its about 160$ for a round trip flight to New Dehli... sweet! I am going to have to miss 2 days of school, which I'm normally not comfortable with, but I'm sure I wont regret it this time. This weekend I am going to Mysore on our group trip. Mysore has a bunch of beautiful palaces and a lot of great shopping :) They specialize in Silk and Sandalwood Carvings.

I am hoping to be able to upload pictures soon.. its just hard because I can only come to this internet cafe to get online. Hopefully soon though!


  1. i am so jealous of your adventures! it sounds like a lot of fun! how awesome is it that you get to travel to all these places most people here in the US will NEVER see? It must be interesting. i am happy that you are having fun! You arent missing anything here in CA, its been cloudy :( not a very nice summer... yet! love you!

  2. Its great to hear that your enjoying yourself!

  3. Pau Bhaji is delicious!
